V: New Year’s Resolutions


Each year, I concoct a list of resolutions for the year ahead. Last year, I opted to throw the list away altogether and appreciate the process instead. “I might not always accomplish the goals by the end of that particular year, but I’m constantly working to make myself better, hone my skills and grow at my own pace. And that’s okay. I think a new year stresses a fresh start. A blank canvas. The truth is, we’re always growing and there isn’t necessarily a deadline. The important part is we keep aiming higher. We keep getting better. We keep growing stronger.”

Funny, really. I had no idea just what 2015 had in store.

Growth is an understatement. In 2015, I really did seek to better myself. In doing so, I encountered some growing pains. In a way, I really looked at myself and the walls I’ve put up. Emotionally. Mentally. I was honest and let myself stare at those things head on. We all have habits or characteristics we can improve upon. It’s not easy, especially while trying to balance loving yourself, but it’s so worthwhile to take a moment and reflect. What negative things am I carrying that are holding me back? Personally. Professionally. What qualities am I holding onto that do not support the way I want to live my life? Do I need to forgive someone (or even myself) in order to move forward?

Sure, it hasn’t been easy. But it’s also quite freeing to learn that it’s okay to let go. Every day is a new chapter and 2015 brought many special adventures, too. Be willing and open to experience new things. Be flexible to change and know that while the journey might not always be comfortable, it will unveil itself in time.

This new year holds endless possibilities. Every year will undoubtedly bring both good and bad moments. Our character is determined by how we overcome those moments. Learn from them. Let them go and move forward.

Instead of resolutions, I’d like to promise myself to continue on this journey of self-improvement. I want to continue to live in the moment and be more aware and appreciative. I hope to continue to seek a healthier lifestyle, whether it’s attending yoga more frequently or trying a new recipe each week. Most of all, I want to abandon some of the anxieties and fears I’ve let hold me back. I can’t wait to see it unfold and look forward to all that 2016 has to offer!