Well, hello. It’s been more than three years since I’ve written. When we first started CookieCutterCouture, I had just moved back from Los Angeles where I wanted to be in entertainment PR. But, I suddenly found myself in healthcare instead. This was a way to share my interests. And what started out as a fashion blog changed, because I changed too.
To this day, I have always rejected the notion that I am a runner. I started including FitNess when I started participating in half marathons. Much like everything else in life, I learned a lot through trial and error. But, I shared my mistakes and learnings along the way. One of my last FitNess posts actually references trying yoga for the first time. I love that these moments are captured in time. To this day, yoga is an outlet I continue to use to keep my stress in check. And after five half marathons, I’ve finally decided to try my hand at the Chicago marathon. Both of these tidbits would have been unheard of to me when I started this journey.
I also started capturing my attempts in the kitchen. Admittedly, the update in this area is not as successful as others. I can make a mean chocolate chip cookie, but I am otherwise still very much a novice. We (still) love adding chicken salsa tacos and BBQ chicken to our rotation of meals. (And this dip is one of my all-time favorites.) But let’s face it, my boyfriend isn’t eating kale, eggplant, or salmon anytime soon. These days, he is the king of the grill (and somehow masters bread on his very first try.) But that doesn’t stop me from the occasional failure or learning experience.
Travel, however, has always been important to me. I just didn’t start capturing it until late in the game. This is actually a travesty if you ask me. Instagram, let alone cell phones with high-quality photos, wasn’t a thing when I did a majority of my world travels. And to this day, even though it’s not something I talk about frequently, those experiences are tucked away, nestled very close to my heart. With COVID-19, we have had to cancel our main 2020 vacation, but I highly suspect travel will always be extremely important to me.
But of all the things I’ve captured, and for those who know me best, the true evolution is in my career. Every year, I listed my resolutions, goals, and hopes. Consequently, they’re captured in a moment in time, for me to relive. Well, I achieved my goal of graduating with a Master of Business Administration. These last two years have entailed walking a fine line of balancing work and school. Every night I had to make a decision who would get my “extra” time: school, the gym, or my family. And as it was, school usually won.
“Set ambitious goals and along the way you’ll discover yourself.” – Robin Suomi
So what does life look like three years later? As I continue to discover myself, I set new goals that evolve and adapt, too. I hope to get another degree in psychology, namely in industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology or applied behavior analysis. But, I’m also open to pursuing a certificate in data analytics — all of which would help me communicate data in a way that resonates with individuals. Read: not entertainment PR.
I recently went back to LA for my reunion. Although it was a place I called home for a few years, I couldn’t imagine living there again. I miss the west coast and my friends but have learned to appreciate life without traffic. Moreover, I have been spoiled with a spacious yard and garage. (Who am I??) Yes, this self-proclaimed city dweller has been digging her heels when it comes to moving to… the city. And even though I work downtown and love being downtown, I simply cannot give up those luxuries.
It’s okay to grow and develop new goals. After all, life is a consistently changing journey. I think the most important part is setting goals, and constantly readjusting them so they fall in line with who you want to become.
CookieCutterCoture will still be around, but it might look different. And that’s a good thing. I hope you’re willing to take that journey with me.