V: The Religion of Love

Happy Easter!
Was somebunny good to you today?
Whether you’re noshing on peeps or sugary sweet treats
accumulated in the havoc that is Easter egg hunting,
let’s take a moment to reflect-
Easter is a Christian holiday marking the resurrection of Jesus.
It is a celebration that symbolizes the end of Lent, reminds us that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by dying for our sins, and asks us to reflect on God’s role in our lives.
It’s a time of renewal and new beginnings.
Now, I would certainly not classify myself as an overtly religious person. But the reality is, we are here because of a greater purpose. We are a part of something that is bigger than us.
Words like love, kindness, and philanthropy are not anchored in one religion alone. 
They are shared by all of us, regardless of our individual beliefs. 
So this Easter, renew your vow to live a life that is full of love.
 Give wholeheartedly to those who need it most. Be thankful for what you have. 
Accept others for their differences. Spread happiness. 
Make the world a better place.
Fill it with hope.