V: Are Americans Too Fat For Fashion?

I like to get inspired by doing my “rounds” and came across this commentary at StyleBistro.
In a recent interview, designer Tom Ford admitted “Americans are too fat.” Instead, his designs are intended for a specific person: “Who’s probably thin… quite honestly. She takes care of herself. She understands the quality of a stitch, understands the quality of fabric. She’s most likely urban. You know, my clothes are expensive.”
While I certainly wouldn’t disagree that Americans- as a whole- could learn a lesson or two from other cultures, it bothers me when someone disregards insults the hand that first fed them. Funny, someone originally from Houston, Texas, who got then got their footing in New York, should turn their nose up. It’s not the first time he’s insulted Americans, having said that,” [In America] Too much style is tacky. Europeans appreciate style.” (New York Times)
You know, I guess it’s just that American entitlement quality shining through.