M: Ombre Hair

So, I am obsessed with ombre hair. I absolutely want it. 
My best friend has it, and I am utterly jealous.
Lately, it seems like this trend is everywhere. Walking down the hall of my school, it seems like every single girl has ombre hair. 
Some are really cute… others are… not so great.
Here’s my sad attempt at that from over the summer using art chalk pastels. 
You take the chalk and run it along wet hair. Then you run your straightener over it.
For Christmas, though, my sister bought me hair chalk (actually meant for hair- not art) from Urban Outfitters. Can’t wait to try it out over the summer again. 
For easy DIY colored ombre, you can also try the Color Bug by Kevin Murphy. 
However, it’s kinda expensive at about $25 per Color Bug
What you don’t want to do with ombre hair…
Do not make it so drastic. 
And blondes.. beware of going too dark on top. You’ll end up looking like you have the worst roots ever.

With ombre, subtlety is key. Feel free to throw some fun colors in there, but avoid looking like you got lost on your way home from the circus.