Beautified: Get Sunscreen Savvy

Oh hey, is it actually summer weather? No. Of course not. Just kidding. We are escaping Chicago for some much-needed sunshine.  Since my prayers for stunning exotic dark skin have not been answered, I might as well leave this here.
Sunscreen acts as a shield to the skin. Mom Dermatologists recommend putting sunscreen on every. day. of. the. year.
 For daily usage, an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15+ is recommended. However, if you are outside baking, there are some additional things to consider. TIME just released this curious article stating that 80% of sunscreens don’t actually work. Yikes.
In fact, Neutrogena was pointed as the brand most at fault for over-promising and under-delivering.
So what should you look for…
Titanium Dioxide
A mineral that shields the skin from UVA and UVB rays.
Zinc Oxide
A mineral that prevents UVA and UVB light from damaging the skin.
(We love L’Oreal’s Sublime Sun!)
Of course, there other things you’ll want to keep on hand too. That wide-brimmed hat and over-sized sunglasses?
Consider them a major do. Make sure the sunglasses have UV protection.
Don’t forget to protect your lips as well!
How do you keep cool in the summer?