Beautified: Winterized Hands

Sigh… Living in Chicago, you’re almost guaranteed to get cracked hands, chapped lips, and dry skin during the winter. That’s why we’re using our less than thrilling experiences to help others.
Hand creams are the easiest way to pump up the nourishment. They contain lipids, which protect the skin and limit trans-epidermal water loss. Try looking for a product that has shea butter.
At night, bring on the heavy-duty tactics with Bag Balm or Petroleum Jelly.
(No need to buy fancy gloves, cotton socks work too!)
Vaseline, $4.49
Some other quick tips:
– Avoid hot water when washing your hands. Try buying soap with olive oil or shea butter in them.
– For a quick at-home remedy, use olive oil to massage into your hands. For stubborn cracks, seal it up with SuperGlue.
We’ll give Mother Nature a little credit, we can’t blame all our skin problems on the weather. If over the counter remedies and treatments aren’t working for you, see a dermatologist.