Beautified: Sunscreen Beauty

(If we are going to have more days like this, we might as well talk about sunscreen.)
Sunscreen acts as a shield to the skin. Mom Dermatologists recommend putting sunscreen on every. day. of. the. year. Some key words to look for:
Titanium Dioxide
A mineral that shields the skin from UVA and UVB rays.
Zinc Oxide
A mineral that prevents UVA and UVB light from damaging the skin.
Our pick?
L’Oreal Sublime Sun, SPF 50
The high UVA & UVB protection is crucial for vulnerable spots. Yep, you heard us. Give that nose some serious TLC. It is the most common area for nonmelanoma skin cancers.
To prevent break-outs from sunscreen, look for a facial wash with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.